Jan 17, 2010

Sunday Suppers: Sausage for one

Hmm, something about the post title makes me think there may be some dirty innuendo which I'll later regret...but never-you-mind—there's ketchup to be discussed!

Since a) the dogre is away at work and b) I haven't been obsessively lurking around the internet for food pornography, I "resorted" to my childhood comfort food of ketchup, sausage, rice, and a pile of kimchi. Now, just as much as devouring books and following Melrose Place, 90210, and Jerry Springer were my childhood staples, so too was ketchup. Ketchup, really, is my taste buds' best friend. Also, you'd think I'd be embarrassed to disclose what was on my tv roster during my elementary and junior high years but, I'm not. It shaped me into the wonderfully wholesome lady that I am today (hehe). Side note: I was seriously craving Korean food and because I lacked a) the ingredients and b) the skills to fulfill said cravings, my heart was brimming with love for the dogre's mom for providing the homemade kimchi.

I'm reluctant to admit that Sunday Suppers may fall apart and turn into Shoddy Sunday Suppers: A snapshot of what we threw together. But, since I'm cheating my tastebuds (not really, are you kidding me? partay in my mouth!) and my avid readers of a journey to discovering delectable dishes (yet another alliteration bitty, I'm on a roll!), I'll toss in a photo of my (first) banana bread. Adding a little pizazz for those of you who don't share my soft spot for ketchup-y sausages and pickled cabbage. Although, I surely hope there are none of those here on my blog because you could never ever be my friend then! Just get out of here. Now! Before I throw down! Joking- I wanted an excuse to use that..."throw down"... Heh, saying it excites me. I'LL THROW DOWN!
So, voila ici, banana bread with my friend Martha, adding 1/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips and subtracting 1/2 tsp of vanilla. Seriously though, avid reader, where is my Kitchenaid stand mixer? Do you know how painful it was to cream the butter and sugar with my own measly arm power and a rice cooker ladle? Do you?! I don't suppose you do since you let me endure such pains. Guess what though: you lose, friend, you lose! Yeah, because I creamed that bowl of delicious wonder and successfully baked the loaf.

My mind wandered back to the magic that is called ketchup. I can't believe I never googled it until tonight (shame on me) and in case there are any other sinners out there, I want to encourage you to click here for all things red and delicious.

Okay, my friends on Wisteria Lane will soon beckon and I need to tidy up and air out the fermented cabbage stink before I settle in. Good day!

Here, some more food porn to last you through a gloomy Monday.
And this, which I accidentally created but it makes me feel super artsy and mysterious. I'll let you use it as your desktop wallpaper. I know you want to. Go ahead.


  1. i too love sausage and ketchup! in fact i had it for breakfast yesterday! 2 mild italian sausages with ketchup!

    as for your title?

    ...that's what she said.


  2. Sausages and ketchup rocks. As much as I love ketchup, I would say that mustard is my childhood favorite. Oh my, it's time for bed and I'm now hungry. Not good. Your dessert pictures look good too!

  3. wow! I'm totally impressed! What's happened to my little non-cook? haha, and you made the hot-dogs and ketchup look so pretty!

  4. @ nooschi: mustard!? i kid-! the desserts (except for the banana bread) were not nearly as good as they look!

    @ farmhouse: it's up! 20 minutes early! heh

    @ penelope's wardrobe: i know! i was impressed with myself too! but the energy lasted less than a month :( and ketchup bedazzles everything!

  5. ketchup is second only to gochujang. and a close second at that! bah so hungry! beer and wings have completely digested leaving me feeling empty...
